Fire Island


There are no paved roads going to most of the island and vehicle traffic is not permitted in summer. A plan to create a paved road across the island resulted in such resistance that it was abandoned. Over the years each of the island's seventeen communities has developed its own unique personality. Several of the villages restrict access by tourists or do all they can to be unwelcoming of tourists. If you are visiting Fire Island, make sure you find the appropriate community to visit. In some cases, visiting the state parks, instead of the towns, might be a better solution. In addition to the state parks at either end of the island, public bathrooms and snack bars are in the National Seashore facilities at Atlantique, Sailor's Haven, and Watch Hill. Restrooms can also be found in Ocean Beach and Fair Harbor but may be hard to find.

Fire Island is home to many vacation communities on the western part of the island Ocean Beach being the most populous, with the most restaurants and bars that make for an excellent day trip. The eastern part of the island is home to the largely gay communities of Cherry Grove and Fire Island Pines.

It is advisable to bring an amount of cash with you on your trip to Fire Island as most businesses will only accept cash payment. This includes parking, transportation fees to and from the island, on many of the small on island shops